Always hungry for knowledge Bhima

He admitted that sometimes Bima would sign up for various competitions without even being asked by the school. Bima’s participation in these competitions brings Bima and AWS together. At the time, Bima was participating in a cloud computing competition organized by the Sagasitas Indonesia Foundation and AWS. There, Bima saw many advantages that AWS had over other cloud providers, one of which was the presence of Amplify. For Bima, this AWS hosting service really provides convenience with the many features it offers. According to IT Business Edge, this makes AWS the number one cloud provider in the world today.

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Bima did not want to waste this opportunity.     whatsapp database  After a while, we discovered that there was an update on Swoole, one of the PHP open source projects. Simply put, Swoole will provide coroutines and channels for PHP engineers. We were curious, what would happen if the most popular PHP version of the application was changed to use Swoole? Maybe like what happened in the Golang version of palingram, PHP applications can be faster.

For those who have used goroutines

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the API provided by Swoole is no stranger. Until then, the process of changing the application is well underway. However, we were pleasantly surprised when the app launched. Most RAM versions of PHP that use coroutines and channels run slower than PHP versions that don’t use coroutines and channels. This makes us realize that using coroutines does not necessarily make the program Phone Number Br faster. We learn as much as possible about the runtime. Vharacteristics of the platform we are using. So if there is an interesting concept in another . Programming language, this is a great opportunity for ATM aka observe, imitate and modify. Learn by reading code One of the benefits of open source is that the code is open for us to read.

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