Persons who carry out commercial activities and earn income as a result of their activities are liable to pay taxes. The taxes to be pai by individuals and businesses are determine by the Revenue Administration. According to the Revenue Administration, the taxes to be pai by the enterprises are divide into those subject to Income Tax in Simple Procedure and those subject to Income Tax in Real Procedure.
One of the important tax types that people who are obliged to pay taxes shoul know is taxation in the simple metho. In this article called What is Simple Taxation and How Much It is Paid, we will give you information about simple taxation. In addition, we will also provide information on important issues such as those subject to taxation in the simple method and the need for an accountant. You can also review our article and learn more about taxation in the simple method.
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What is Simple Taxation? How Much Is It Pai?
Simple Taxation
Simple taxation is the type of tax that businesses Saint Lucia Email List pay on the income. And expenses arising from the sales made in an accounting period and the difference between the purchase and sale prices of the products and services sold.
While companies that are subject to taxation in the simple method are only subject to tax on the differences between income and expense or purchase and sale, in the real method taxation, businesses;
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Taxation in a simple method provides many advantages to individuals and businesses. Let’s take a look at the Advantages of Simple Taxation to Businesses.
Taxpayers are generally require to keep a book. But Phone Number BR people and businesses that. Are subject to simple taxation do not have to keep a book like others.
Legal records of persons subject to Tax . In Simple Procedure are made by the Chamber of Tradesme and Craftsme or through financial advisors within. The scope of the Intermediatio and Responsibility Agreement.