Clayton Christensen: Professor at Harvard Business School. In addition to the nine books he has published, he also has the Harvard Business Review award for best article. He is the co-founder of four companies, including the innovation consulting firm Innosight. He was named the world’s most influential business thinker by Thinkers50 in 2011 and 2013.

This book about innovation and mastering it describes the situations in which we should venture and the struggles we have to fight. On the other hand, it contains informatio on what needs to be done to make progress. Arguing that entrepreneurs miss the main issue by obsessing over different issues, the author argues that innovators will definitely make a difference.

Dune Frank Herbert

Organizations around the world devote countless resources to the innovation effort, including the time, energy and mental effort of senior executives. And naturally, they optimize their efforts to achieve effectiveness. But if so much effort goes into finding answers to the wrong questions, it’s on a very flimsy foundation.

Each process is evaluate with the results it achieves flawlessly. If we see innovation as something chaotic and unknown, we build processes Cambodia Email List that turn this conviction into action. That’s what most companies do anyway: half-heartedly designed innovation processes that can’t escape the mediocre level. Data-rich models that are adept at describing them but have inaccurate predictions waste time and money piling up. We don’t have to accept that.

“There is no other book to compare with this book, except The Lord of the Rings.” -Arthur C Clarke

“Powerful, convincing and masterful.” -Robert A. Heinlein “One of the cornerstones of modern science fiction.” -Chicago Tribune

Nocturnes Kazuo Ishiguro

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Hugo Award in the Best Novel category, Nebula Award in the Best Novel category, selecte by the readers as the best science fiction work of the 20th century, Dune series was reprinte by İttihaki Publishing in its 50th year with brand Phone Number BR new covers and revise translations. Considere one of the most epic messianic narratives in modern literature, Dune tells the story of the young Paul Atreides.

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