Is it still possible to make money with a blog ? Absolutely yes.The statistics on blogging, however, speak for themselves: there are bloggers who earn practically nothing and bloggers who bill millions of euros a year .But how much do you really earn with a blog ?In this article I want to shed some light, show you some real numbers on blog earnings , guide you in monetizing your blog and help you increase your income.Ready to start? Then make yourself comfortable because we’re off!Get your free blogging course now where you will learn how to create a blog from scratch, monetize it and bring it to success in 7 days.First nameE-mailWhat are we talking about in this article?

you earn with a blog

If you are here, you probably have a blog and you want to know concretely if and how much you can earn from it .

So how much do bloggers make? The truth is, blogging can be a very, very lucrative business .

But there is no universal answer. Someone earns nothing (and I assure you that most bloggers fall into this category) while others earn hundreds of thousands of euros a month .

The income you can get with your blog, in fact, depends on several factors, such as:

  • the niche you target and how competitive it is
  • from your writing and marketing skills
  • by your ability to convey the communication of your business
  • by the monetization method you have chosen
  • from your team
  • how you manage to diversify your income
  • from your prices and your profit margins
  • from your blog traffic
  • the expenses you have to pay
  • … etc etc. And I would also add another et cetera.

In general, we can say that it is quite easy to get between


€500 and €2,000 a month during the first year of a blog. Reaching much higher figures, let’s say from €100,000 a year upwards, is a little more complex but certainly not impossible.

For example, here are some of the earnings generated with my blog, taken directly from my bank account. As you can see from the screenshot, the revenue is sometimes low but extremely constant (and this screenshot is only for 4 days of a month).

Always remember: if you want to make money with your blog you must always treat it as a business , not as a hobby. You have to think, create and maintain your online project just like you would with a physical company.


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