Persons and brands carrying out commercial activities are oblige to pay taxes to the state according to the Turkish Commercial Code. Individuals and businesses pay taxes to the government on their income, as well as corporate tax, withholding, etc. It also pays tax types.

One of the tax types that commercial enterprises must pay to the government is income tax. Income tax, which is one of the tax types that individuals pay on their annual earnings, is generally determine depending on the income of the individuals. This type of tax is paid in certain periods.

What is Income Tax? In this article title How To Cut It, we will inform you about the income tax you are oblige to pay to the state. By examining our article, you can fin answers to questions such as what is income tax, whe is income tax pai, how is income tax determine.

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According to What is Cut


Income tax

Income tax is a type of tax collecte by the states on the annual income of individuals. Generally, income tax is directly proportional to the annual earnings Sri Lanka Email List of individuals. In other words, the more a person’s annual earnings increase, the higher the tax amount he will pay. It is known that while low income taxes are determine for people with low income, the tax rate of people with high income also increases.

Income tax


Who Are the Income Tax Payers

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As in every type of tax, there are taxpayers who are liable to pay taxes in income tax. Persons who are liable to pay income tax are regulate within the framework of the Tax Procedure Law and the persons who will pay income tax according to this law are divide into two as Full Taxpayers and Narrow Taxpayers.

Full Taxpayers are the people who have lived in Turkey for more than 6 months and settled in Turkey. These persons are oblige to pay tax on the earnings they have obtaine within the borders of Turkey or outside the borders of Turkey. Coming to Turkey for duty or business

Narrow Taxpayers, on the other hand. Include people Phone Number BR who are not resident in Turkey but earn income by conducting commercial activities within the borders of our country. These people pay income tax on their earnings within the borders of Turkey.




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