How to configure events and event parameters in GA4

The Key Change in the Structure of the New Version of Google Analytics is the Modification of the Data Structure. In Ga4 You Will Not Find Sessions, Transactions or Other Imprecise Measurements. However, You Can Analyze One of the Most Important Parameters on a Website, I.e. Events.
Thanks to Events, You Can Check Who, Where, When and How Performed Specific Actions on Your Website. You Can Also Assign Conversions to Selected Events, Which Will Allow You to More Precisely Analyze the Factors You Care About Probably Want to Learn How to Properly Configure Events. Thanks to This Guide, You Won’t Have Any Problem With It. Read on!

Event types in Google Analytics

Thanks to Events, You Can Track Whatsapp Data User Interactions With Your Website or Mobile Application. For Example, You Can Create an Event That Will Involve Filling Out a Form. This Will Help You Understand How Compelling the Call to Action is and Resolve Any Issues.
Before Properly Configuring These Parameters, It is Worth Familiarizing Yourself With the Event Types in Ga4.
Events Collected Automatically
They Concern Basic Information Regarding User Activity on the Website. The Most Important of Them Are:
The User Visits the Website for the First Time,user Entry to the Website,
User_engagement – ​​user Interaction With the Website.

Advanced measurement

Advanced Measurement Applies Phone Number BR to Events That Google Analytics 4 Records Automatically. However, You Have the Option to Turn Off Analysis for Individual Interactions. Events Covered by Advanced Measurement Are:i Have Already Explained to You What Events Are, What Their Types Are and What They May Involve. It’s Time to Learn the Process of Creating Them. Thanks to This, Self-configuration Will Not Be a Problem for You.
Before Starting the Configuration, Check That the Events You Want to Create Are Not Already in the List of Automatically Collected or Advanced Metering Events. There is No Point in Duplicating Them. If You Determine That the Event You Are Interested in is Not in the Database, You Can Take Action

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