How to increase blogging revenue

But which are the most profitable niches?

A profitable niche has 4 characteristics :

  • It has a good number of people interested in the subject
  • Treat a topic you know well
  • People are willing to spend some money
  • You have something to sell in that niche.

There are some niches that are more profitable than others , namely:

Create an effective strategy

  • Health and well-being (lifestyle blog, food blog , beauty blog, fashion blog, sport, fitness…)
  • Making money (finance, business, trading…)
  • Social relationships (dating, forum, chat…).

My advice, however, is not to choose a niche just because it tends to be more profitable than the others.

The risk, in fact, is that if you don’t like the topic you cover, you will end up bored . And this is very detrimental to a blog as well as being one of the main causes of the failure of an online project .

If you already have a blog and have already started earning something, now is the time to optimize your work so that you can increase your earnings and start your career as a full-time blogger.

So here are some extra tips that I want to leave you.

If you’ve created a blog without a strategy, proceeding a little randomly, I have bad news for you: your blog is not going to grow .

Creating an effective strategy is in fact the first step to being able to make money with your blog

Doing keyword research , analyzing current trends, setting clear goals and creating a plan to achieve them, both in terms of blog growth and in terms of monetization, are the foundations for creating a blog capable of monetizing .

And if you need a hand doing all of these things , you can find tons of in-depth lessons in Blog Academy and you’ll have access to a private community where I’ll actively help you develop your blog.

Treat your blog like a business, not a hobby

ded with satisfaction goal after goal.

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