These are the main advantages of personal space marketing to individuals and businesses. If you want to take advantage of these advantages, you can develop your personal space marketing strategy.

As in every marketing strategy, there are difficulties that you may face in personal space marketing – proximity marketing strategy. Although it is usually caused by problems such as wrong targeting or frequent targeting, brands that want to focus on this marketing strategy need to know about the Disadvantages of Personal Area Marketing. Let’s take a look at the Disadvantages of Personal Space Marketing together.

A brand that carries out personal space marketing may send frequent notifications to people who visit a particular location very often, causing them to move away from the brand.
Marketing budgets of brands may suffer due to target audience analysis that is not done correctly.
Reaching users who will interact can be difficult. Because today, most of the mobile application users can use the mobile application only once in the first 30 days.
Not every brand is compatible with proximity marketing, as proximity marketing is a form of marketing where brands need to benefit from the right hardware and programming.
In this marketing method, brands collect customer data and are responsible for keeping this data. For this reason, proximity marketing can lead to an increase in the responsibilities of brands.

Features of Proximity Marketing

It is very important for people who are intereste in personal space marketing to know the features of this marketing strategy. Let’s now examine what are the features of Proximity Marketing.

Success; Brands that have a good proximity marketing strategy will be successful. Because this marketing strategy is very successful in converting potential Belgium Email List customers into real customers.
Measurement; Brands can measure through a personal space marketing strategy. Proximity marketing provides information to businesses about how often a person visits a particular location and how long they stay at that location.
Value; One of the features of the proximity marketing strategy is that it adds value. This marketing strategy uses data, which in fact allows brands to gain value by increasing customer acquisition.

Devices Where Personal Space Marketing Can Be Use

Belgium Email List

Income; You can increase your brand’s product and service sales thanks to the proximity marketing strategy you prefer in product, service or brand marketing. This allows Phone Number BR your brand to generate revenue and increase revenues.
Information; Proximity marketing efforts allow people in your brand’s target audience or customer base to have information about your brand.

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