Lead Automation: How It Grows the Sales and Marketing Funnel

Tired of misalignment between sales and marketing teams?

You’re not the only one!

There’s no magical way of solving this issue, but you can Estonia Phone Numbers try lead automation. It completely changes the way leads are handed off from marketing to sales.

It also helps both teams to evaluate leads and sync their goals. Think of it as the yin and yang of attracting and nurturing leads

In this guide, you will learn everything about automated leads to seamlessly pass them through the marketing funnel.

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What is lead automation?

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Sales lead automation involves streamlining different touchpoints where leads can enter yourto better determine their importance.

By using  you can analyse leads’ characteristics and hand them off to the right people in sales at the right time.

Automating the helps ensure that businesses target the right leads and improve planning – forget about not having enough or having too many contacts to reach out to.

Also, you won’t lose valuable ones deep in your CRM.

When you automate leads, your teams usually Afghanistan Phone Number List have better communication with prospective customers. Both sides are better informed about what is happening and what to expect next.

How to streamline lead automation

There are four main stages of the customer journey in which you can.

1. Capture the lead

You can’t have a lead automation process without getting the lead in the first place.

For example, a visitor to your website becomes a lead when they fill out a contact information form.

Once the lead has been captured, the next step is to qualify the lead

2. Qualify and score the lead

So, a lead has come through.

The next step is to evaluate the intent of the lead.

This lead automation stage is crucial. Why?

Because it helps teams to identify the best opportunities that’ll close.

There’s also a speed factor involved here.

The sooner you qualify leads, the better. Because the salesperson can focus on reaching out to leads where the intent is at its highest.

And if there’s too much waiting around, the score of the lead will drop pretty quickly!

With lead automation solutions, leads can be qualified and scored without human intervention based on e.g., the channel they came from,  or firmographic data, or other characteristics.

3. Give the lead to the right salesperson

When the leads have been sorted through, don’t just give them to whoever might be free in the sales team.

It’s not a free-for-all process. Lead automation helps you to assign the right leads to the right salespeople.

For example, if you have a lead through from someone in the UK, automation will assign the lead to someone in the UK sales team.

In another scenario, you have a lead from someone based in the mid-market or enterprise segment. If that’s the case, lead automation tools will assign the lead to someone in the mid-market or enterprise sales team.


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