5 quick tips to increase purchase frequency in your e-commerce

5 quick tips to increase purchase frequency in your e-commerce. Not just any product works for you. To achieve recurring purchases I say. If you sell ping pong tables or sofas online, recurrence may not be something that can be easily achieved. Therefore you need to start a type of offer where recurring purchases are more likely . We would be talking about a sector such as fashion, food, pets, etc.

Very favorable return policy for buyers

Very favorable return policy for buyers If you are looking for quick and recurring purchases top industry data you need to have complete trust on the part of buyers. This means that if there is a problem you don’t have too many problems when it comes to returning it. Therefore, if I buy I have the peace of mind that no matter what happens you will provide me with a satisfactory solution even in some cases when the client is not right.

Recurring visits are the basis for someone to repeat purchases

Recurring visits are the basis for someone to repeat purchases. Sending a newsletter is a very Phone Number BR effective way to achieve this. Depending on the update with new products in your store, this could have a weekly rhythm. If you don’t upload so many new offers, one a month should be more than enough. Promoted posts A Facebook page updated and promoted daily can have the same effect.

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