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Eileen kwok. Says lemon8 is “the next big thing” and that’s all the data i ne to be convinc. Telegram messaging app telegram was found in 2013 as a privacy-focus alternative to bigger platforms like facebook and instagram. Users can exchange files. Photos. Videos. And more through chats through group chats that can include up to 200.000 people. There are also public telegram channels. Which can attract millions of followers. Telegram channels and group chats telegram has grown rapidly in recent years: it now boasts 550 million monthly active users. And in december 2022. Reach 1 million premium subscribers. Recently. It has attract even more attention for its role in the russia-ukraine war.

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Telegram add advertising to the platform in october 2021. Ads are limit to public channels. And telegram has promis not to give advertisers access to personal data or track whether users click on ads. Instead of targeting specific user demographics or interests. Advertisers can choose the topics.

Channels. And languages for b2b leads their ads. Brands can also reach audiences organically by starting public channels or creating chatbots to support customers. Polywork does linkin finally have a challenger? Polywork. Launch in april 2021. Is a new social mia platform focus on professional networking. Where users can create profiles. Curate a personal fe. And reach out to other users to collaborate and work together.

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It rais another 28 million in september 2022. So it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere. Unlike linkin. Where users have a single headline describing their current role or specialty. Polywork design for the hustle-culture generation. Allowing users to highlight multiple roles. Side gigs. Passion projects. And specialties. Polywork ux/ui designer in addition to profiles. 

Polywork aims to connect Phone Number BR individuals for collaboration with beta features like a digital space for group work call clubs. It’s exciting to see someone finally shaking up the professional networking space with a more gen z-friendly platform. It’ll take a lot to unseat linkin. Which has 875 million members. But polywork is worth keeping an eye on.

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