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As it represents an exciting evolution in professional social networking. Yubo launch in 2015. Yubo is a live-streaming app with a focus on friendships and connection. With 40 million users up from 25 million in December 2021. Though it was found in france bonjour!. 60 of its users are bas in canada and the us. And during the early months of covid. When everyone was stuck at home. 

Yubo triple its daily user business email list base. Yubo users can create video chats. Where the streamers can interact with viewers. Users can add each other as friends. Which allows them to start individual chats. Yubo honey fortnite among new social mia apps. Yubo is particularly teen-friendly. With a dicat community for users 13- to 17-years-old.

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And yubo has invest significant resources in making the platform a safe space for users. Advanc age-verification technology is intend to mitigate abuse. And there is a safety hub that users can access 24/7 to report concerns or ask questions. There is also human and algorithmic monitoring of content to swiftly address any breaches of the community guidelines. 

And users who share personal business email list  information in a chat. Such as their phone number. Will receive a pop-up safety alert to ucate them about risk. This focus is refreshing. Given how many platforms have become unsafe spaces where users particularly women and people of color face harassment and threats.

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While yubo doesn’t offer advertising or opportunities for brand partnerships. It’s an example of how user expectations around safety and privacy are changing. Mastodon downloads of mastodon jump 6.000 in the wake of elon musk’s purchase of twitter whether users stay there remains to be seen. 

But it’s definitely a twitter alternative Phone Number BR that should be on marketers’ radar. As of november 2022. Mastodon had one million monthly users. For comparison. Twitter is pricting it’ll reach 335 million global users in 2023. Mastodon is a free. Open-source platform and social networking app. Launch in march 2016. Where users can share text. Image. And video updates with followers. Unlike twitter. However. Mastodon is a decentralized social network.

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