In order to add products to the Trendyol system, the barcodes of the products must be present and they must be entered. If there is no Trendyol product loading barcode, it should be requested from the manufacturer, and manufacturers should obtain an EAN or GTIN barcode from GS1 Barcode. On the other hand, it is possible to create barcodes in accordance with the Trenyol format. For products with global barcodes, a different barcode must be created.

How to Set Color and Size Options while Uploading a Product to Trendyol?

With the common model code, it is possible to upload colors and sizes to the products. Model codes created with 6 characters or less and numeric values ​​are not recommended because of conflict with other products. For example, a company named DEP Moda can create the product code as DEP1234MD if it is Abc Elektronik.

Guide to Opening a Store on Trendyol

How Should the Product Description Be When Uploading a Product?

Trendyol tells the sellers about some issues that need to be considered while loading products. These include:

Price determination is very important for Panama Business Email List Trendyol product loading . In this regard, it is necessary to act in accordance with the legislation. Trendyol sales price is the name given to the field where you enter the

price you want the product to be sold on Trendyol. In accordance with the Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices Regulation of the TR Ministry of Commerce, the market sales prices in the lists sent from your company to Trendyol must be accurate and reflect the market realities.

Trendyol Product Download Integration

B2B Email List

It is important that you do not share market sales prices with Trendyol, which are not offered for sale in any channel belonging to your company or that you cannot prove that you have offered them for sale. You must enter the current salable quantity of the Phone Number BR product. Your products are opened for sale with the stock information you specify.

Related Content; How to Make Online Sales? What You Need to Know.

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