While mobile device users now dominate internet traffic, some studies show that desktop drives the majority of commercial sales. One reason for the low mobile conversion count is a faulty checkout process that causes customers to leave before completing their transaction. According to some studies, mobile commerce has the highest average cart abandonment rates at 85.65 percent.

To improve your payment experience for mobile user experience, we have mentioned a few points to consider below.

Asking customers to sign up in advance can make the process feel long and complicated.
Elimination of unnecessary form fields
Adding guest payment option
Requesting only contact, delivery address, billing and payment information
Showing a progress bar for a multi-page checkout
Offering one-click payment

Optimizing mobile payment flow

Develop Strategies to Increase


Increasing mobile e-commerce site speed


Making product presentation customer friendly

Creating an attractive, clear and functional product presentation can convince users that your item is worth buying. The challenge with mobile devices is that the screens Palau Email List are smaller and space seems limited. Mobile users often overlook content, so it’s best to keep product information short. Describe your products in no more than three sentences. Use bullet points for details such as materials or maintenance instructions.

Actions that smartphone and tablet users perform while consuming content, such as tapping, scrolling, and zooming. Page design should include UX elements to accommodate these activitie

Develop Strategies to Increase Your Revenues

Give Importance to Analysis

Country Email List

While people who own a physical store complete their digital transformation and step into the e-commerce sector, those who want to start a new business also turn to this sector. It is seen that the number of businesses entering the e-commerce sector, one of the most popular professions of recent Phone Number BR times, is increasing day by day. People and businesses that want to earn income by doing e-commerce, on the other hand, want to be successful in this sector and search for the golden rules of success in e-commerce .



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