While people and businesses that sell online with e-commerce want to sell their products and services securely, people who want to shop online want to shop safely. If trust is not gained between buyers and sellers, the rate of online shopping decreases. Brands, e-commerce sites and e-commerce marketplace platforms that want to prevent this set up a secure e-commerce system .
The secure e-commerce system, namely GET, is a system that protects both the buyer and the seller in online shopping, and the demand for secure e-commerce t systems is increasing day by day. So what is this secure e-commerce? Let’s take a look at what is secure e-commerce and what you need to know about the get system.
What You Need to Know About Secure eCommerce (GeT)
What is Secure E-commerce
Secure e-commerce or Get System is a system that protects buyers and sellers and ensures safe shopping. Generally, secure e-commerce systems i C2C (consumer to consumer) is a system used in sites and marketplace platforms where consumer-to-consumer shopping takes place.
Thanks to secure e-commerce systems, e-commerce systems receive commissions, and the exchange of money between buyers and sellers takes place after a certain approval Equatorial Guinea Email List system. This ensures the protection of both the consumer and the seller in C2C shopping.
Related Content; Is it safe to shop online?
What is Secure E-commerce (GET)?
What are the Advantages of Secure E-commerce (GET)?
Secure e-commerce systems, namely GETs, are very advantageous systems for buyers and sellers. Secure E-commerce (GET) Advantages include:
What Are the Advantages
The amount of purchases made in secure e-commerce systems is secured.
Secure e-commerce systems ensure the prevention of fraud in e-commerce.
Thanks to secure e-commerce systems, buyers and sellers can trade without risk.
Sellers will approve the payment if they receive the relevant products and services.
protected from fraud.
The Get system is a system that protects both Phone Number BR buyers and sellers within the framework of the membership agreement.
If the products that do not have the specified qualifications reach the buyers, the buyers may not approve the product and return it easily thanks to the secure payment systems.