Pinterest strategy and its number of visits As you can see, Pinterest is the network that brings the most users to the web, the one that has the lowest bounce rate and the second that sends the most web traffic… and the dwell time is almost 1m, which compared to other social networks is very good. So if you are looking to increase visits to your website, and you are not using this social network, it may not be a bad idea to take a look at it.User profile on Pinterest. According to the .We Are Social ” report , Pinterest is one of the most used social networks in the world. 

Advantages and

There have been more than 70 million. Therefore, new monthly. Advantages and active users on Pinterest. 36% are millennials, 34% are Generation X and 18% are Baby Boomers. The age ranges that have the most presence on this social network are: 25 – 34 years old (29% women, 9% men and 3% unspecified). 35 – 44 years (15% women, 4.5% men and 3.2% unspecified). How to use Pinterest for businesses and professionals Are you interested in being one of the first to have my articles on Personal Branding and Social Media in your email.

Complete Guide

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