
Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a widely used architectural pattern in iOS app development, offering a structured approach to building robust and scalable applications. In this article, we will walk through the development of a simple Swift application following the MVC pattern. Additionally, we will integrate GitHub’s API to fetch and display a user’s repositories as a practical example. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a better understanding of how to implement MVC in Swift and interact with a real-world API.

Understanding the MVC Pattern


The model represents the data and business logic of the application. It encapsulates the application’s data and behavior, providing methods to access and manipulate the data. In our GitHub example, the model will include classes to interact with GitHub’s API and handle data related to user repositories.


The view is responsible for presenting the user interface and handling user interactions. It receives data from the model and displays it to the user. In our singapore phone number GitHub example, the view will consist of various UI components such as labels, buttons, and table views to display the user’s repositories.


The controller acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. It receives user input from the view, interacts with the model to fetch or manipulate data, and updates the view accordingly. In our GitHub example, the controller will handle user actions, fetch data from the GitHub API, and update the view with the retrieved repository information.

Setting Up the Project

Let’s start by creating a new Swift project in Xcode.

  1. Open Xcode and select “Create a new Xcode project” from the welcome window.
  2. Choose “App” under the iOS tab and select “Single View App.” Click “Next.”
  3. Enter the product name, organization identifier, and other project details. Make sure to select Swift as the language.
  4. Choose a location to save the project and click “Next.”
  5. Save the project in your desired location.

Creating the Model

In this step, we’ll create the model classes to interact with the GitHub API and handle repository data.

  1. Create a new Swift file named GitHubRepository.swift in your project.
  2. Define the GitHubRepository class to represent a GitHub repository:

Creating the View

Next, we’ll create the view components to display the user interface for our application.

  1. Open Main.storyboard in Interface Builder.
  2. Design the user interface with the following components:
  • UILabel to display the title (“GitHub Repositories”).
  • UITableView to display the list of repositories.
  • UITableViewCell to Brazil Phone Number List represent each repository item in the table view.
  • UILabels inside the table view cell to display repository name, description, and star count.

Creating the Controller

Now, let’s create the controller class to manage the interaction between the model and the view.

  1. Create a new Swift file named RepositoryViewController.swift in your project.
  2. Define the RepositoryViewController class and implement the required methods:

Integrating GitHub API

To integrate the GitHub API and fetch the user’s repositories, replace "your_username" with your GitHub username in the fetchRepositories method.


In this tutorial, we’ve created a simple Swift application following the MVC pattern and integrated GitHub’s API to fetch and display a user’s repositories. By implementing the MVC pattern, we’ve separated concerns between the model, view, and controller, making the codebase more organized and maintainable. This example demonstrates how to leverage the MVC architecture to build scalable and efficient iOS applications.

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